Producing specialists for a new era of cinema based on the "Artistic Creativity" and "Communicative Power" of images.
The world of cinema has undergone many changes, such as from silent to talkies and from monochrome to color. A new world of expression is opening up before our eyes as advances in digital technology make new forms of creative imagery possible. The potential for individuals to express themselves creatively has expanded as various forms of digital media, such as video and PCs have become accessible and vital communication tools in daily life. The department of cinema understands the important new trends in moving image arts from the twin perspectives of "Artistic Creativity" and "Communicative Power." The department has four courses: Theory, Scriptwriting and Creative Image, Directing, Cinematography/Sound Recording and Acting. Each course offers an original curriculum. Students receive the individual guidance to obtain the specialist skills they will need in order to become active as creators or producers of moving image arts, or as technicians or researchers in the field of moving images.